Town Bloody Hall. International Women's Day at Culture Club

Join Culture Club for a special screening of Town Bloody Hall at GPAC.


Infamously macho author Norman Mailer shares a 1971 NYC panel with an audience of intellectual women and famous feminists receiving a lively critique revealing the sophisticated political, literary discourse of early Women's Lib movement.


Heady, heated, and hilarious, Town Bloody Hall is a dazzling display of feminist firepower courtesy of some of the most influential figures of the era, with Mailer plainly relishing his role as the pugnacious rabble-rouser and literary lion at the center of it all.


Venue and bar will open from 6:30pm with screening starting at 7pm



  • Wednesday, 08 March 2023 | 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM


Goulburn Performing Arts Centre, 163 Auburn Street, 2580, View Map

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